My Los Angeles law office serves successful small businesses, entrepreneurs and creatives.
Trademarks and Copyrights Learn about my services and the fundamentals of trademarks and copyrights.
Business Formation Learn about my approach and the added benefits of forming a corporation, LLC, or partnership.
Business Contracts and Business Law Read about the value of clear business contracts that protect your interests.
Entertainment Law, Music Law and Fashion Law See why it’s useful to hire a good attorney with experience in entertainment law, music law and fashion law.
My clients include Entrepreneurs, Production Companies, Writers, Designers, Artists, Creators, Actors, Retailers, Web Developers, Consultants, Producers and Production Companies and other Premier Small Businesses located in and outside of Los Angeles.
I graduated from Stanford University with my M.A. and B.A. in English and from UCLA School of Law with my J.D. and opened my own law firm in Los Angeles after working as an entertainment and music law attorney at Manatt, Phelps, and Phillips, LLP (a top California law firm), as an in-house attorney handling contracts and business affairs at BCBG (a major fashion company), and as an in-house attorney at Palan Music (an international music publishing company which has since merged with MCS). See my bio for details.
Legal Tips
February Tip 1 2024: A contract can be made via text messages, but this kind of contract can be challenging to prove if there’s ever a dispute. Therefore, it’s generally a good idea to have a clear document in writing to rely on in court, settlement negotiations or arbitration. For more, see “Why Use Written Contracts for your Business?“
January Tip 2 2025: Many people wonder if fashion designs can be protected via copyright. Generally, fashion designs cannot be protected via copyright registration due to the Useful Articles Doctrine. For example, a design for an A-line dress cannot typically be protected via copyright. Nonetheless, certain elements of an apparel item can potentially be protected, such as textile prints and embroidery. For more, see “What Kinds of Work Can Be Protected by Copyright?”
January Tip 1 2025: If you are wondering what kinds of services a fashion lawyer provides, fashion lawyers can give advice concerning protecting brand names, photographs, websites, textile designs and more. A fashion lawyer may also give advice about the types of contracts that may potentially benefit your fashion company. For more, see “What Do Fashion Lawyers Do?“
December Tip 2 2024: Many people wonder why they might need an entertainment attorney when they have been sent a contract to sign for a reality t.v. show or for optioning a screenplay or some other entertainment law issue. The answer is that an entertainment lawyer can review your contracts to ensure they are fair to you in terms of compensation and in terms of the rights you grant to others to use your name, image, likeness and more. Hiring an experienced entertainment lawyer can potentially improve the benefits you receive from a contract. For more, see “Why Get an Entertainment Lawyer”?
December Tip 1 2024: A “handshake deal” may form an acceptable agreement. However, while a handshake deal can potentially be binding, the issue can be that when there’s a conflict, it may be challenging to prove what the terms of the agreement were, if anything. So, it may be preferable to have a clear, written agreement signed by both parties, so there is one clear document to consult in the event of a disagreement. For more, see “Why Use Written Contracts for your Business?“
November Tip 2 2024: There are many legal issues involved in opening an online retail store that you may want to consider before your retail website goes live. Use of the trademark (brand name) for the store could result in receiving a cease and desist letter or your site or shop being taken down. So, it’s generally a good idea to first consult with an intellectual property lawyer before opening your online retail store, so you can minimize the risk of potentially being sued for infringement. For more, see, For more, see “What is Trademark Infringement?”
November Tip 1 2024: There are different reasons for potentially forming a limited liability company versus a corporation. Some of the differences involve seeking investors, the citizenship of the owners and more. It’s a good idea generally to have a business entity consultation with an attorney, before filing to form a new business. For more, see “How are Corporations and LLCs Different?”
November Tip 1 2024: The law concerning music, recording artists and record producers can be very confusing. Retaining ownership of master recordings adn musical compositions can be of the utmost importance to a recording artist. This is why it may be a good idea to engage the services of a music lawyer who understands copyright ownership issues, music publishing, music royalties, affiliating with ASCAP and BMI and master use and sync licenses. For more, see “What Do Music Lawyers Do?”
October Tip 2 2024: Many people call me wanting to protect a brand name and wonder why trademark registration is a good idea. A registered trademark can give the trademark owner the right to exclude others from using a confusingly similar brand name. It may also become a potentially valuable business asset in the form of intellectual property. For more, see “What is a Trademark?”
October Tip 1 2024: Starting a fashion brand can be challenging, from ordering products from vendors to nailing down brand name protection. So, it’s generally a good idea to hire a fashion lawyer who is familiar with fashion law issues—branding, copyright protection, trade dress, trade secrets, business law, employment law and import/export law. For more, see “What Do Fashion Lawyers Do?”
September Tip 2 2024: Many people call me to ask if they have a good legal case. If you want to sue someone, you generally need a litigator. There are litigators who sue and defend people in court and handle cases, and there are transactional attorneys like me who handle drafting, reviewing and negotiating contracts and letters. For more, see “How Can a Good Business Contract Help my Business?”
September Tip 1 2024: Many people call me in order to ask if they need to form a separate company, such as a corporation or limited liability company. It can sometimes be a good idea to form a separate business entity to try to shield you from some liability and for other business reasons, such as increasing the appearance of professionalism and wanting to do business with another company that requires you to have a separate business entity. For more, see “Are There Other Reasons to Form a Business Entity?”
August Tip 2 2024: A handshake agreement can be binding, and many people wonder why a written contract is even necessary. But, it is generally a good idea to have written contracts so there is a clear agreement to refer to and to potentially help avoid litigation. A clear written contract can help both sides of an agreement maintain a strong, professional working relationship. For more, see “How Can a Good Business Contract Help My Business?”
August Tip 1 2024: Many potential clients call wanting to start their own brand of jewelry, handbags, apparel and other goods, Before spending money on manufacturing, PR and marketing such products, it’s generally a good idea to speak with a trademark attorney . This is because one of the potential forms of damages to be awarded to the plaintiff is all of the profits made from the infringing goods. For more see “What is Trademark Infringement?”
July Tip 2 2024: Many people call me confused as to why they have received a cease and desist letter for posting a photo to their social media or website. It is commonly the case that the photographer who took the photo owns all rights to it, including the copyright. So, if you borrow a photo you find on the Internet and post it to your social media or website, you may be infringing the photographer’s copyright or that of the entity or person who controls the copyright.If you have questions about photographs and how they can legally be used, it’s generally a good idea to consult with an intellectual property attorney. For more see “What Rights Does a Copyright Owner Have?”
July Tip 1 2024: Opening an online retail store can involve several copyright and trademark issues that should be considered before your retail website goes live. Use of the store’s brand name could result in the receipt of a cease and desist letter or your site being taken down. So, it’s generally a good idea to consult with an intellectual property lawyer prior to starting to sell goods and prior to advertising your online retail store, so you can minimize the risk of infringement. For more see “What is Trademark Infringement?“
June Tip 2 2024: Many potential clients call when they receive a cease and desist letter about a trademark they have been using. If you receive a cease and desist letter, it’s a good idea to have an attorney review the facts of the matter adn to advise you on what your best options are for a response. For more, see “What is Trademark Infringement?”
Television Commentary—Co-Branding and Licensing Agreements in the Fashion Industry

October 20, 2022
Melissa was interviewed on BBC News Worldwide about Ye West’s
antisemitic remarks and their impact on various valuable fashion contracts with Adidas.